Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1st Quiz after 8 days in Wuhan. (Day 8 - Sept 8th)

~~Cool breeze kissed our cheeks.~~

Today’s morning breeze was fantastic when we went down early in the morning to hang our clothings. :)))

The first time when I reached Wuhan that I experienced nice cooling weather. To be exact it was quite chilly. But I like it! =)

Our morning session IS lesson was cancelled because our China lecturer was on Medical leave. Thus, our first lesson would start at 2PM! But still, I woke up around 7.30am to complete my Flexsim tutorial and to continue on my blogging for you people out there who are reading - hope you are enjoying it so far =))

Had my whole grain bread for breakfast which I bought yesterday night at the bakery shop located in our campus. DELICIOUS!!! =D Singapore sells one loaf of Whole grain bread for approx $6 but it only cost 4.50 RMB (less than $1) here! Shall take that as my staple diet from today onwards. =X The most healthy food which can be found in Wuhan.

Whole grain bread =)
A group of us went for lunch at around 1 PM in the school canteen. Tried 热干面 which our dear Daniel said that it was veryyyy nice. Looks appealing? But…… I didn’t really find it very delicious. The gravy tasted like peanut butter + chilli oil on noodles. My tummy was burning after that. Don’t think I will eat it anymore haha!

After lunch, we went back to our hostel to pick up our bags and off we went for lessons.

Today was the first day that we experienced such cool weather. And after opening the windows in our classroom, WOOSH~ look at An Yu’s hair!

An Yu's hair is flying~~~


But thanks to the nice weather we were able to study better compared to yesterday. Realized that the weather change is quite drastic. Hope the weather remains cool.

After Mr Loh’s chapter 1 lecture, we took our very first quiz in Wuhan.

Mr Loh making sure we did not talk during the quiz.

Quiz 1

Afterwhich, we had to complete tutorial 1 of Flexsim. I shall not deny the fact that guys are really better in technical stuffs compared to ladies. All the guys completed the tutorial before us.

Ladies are all in the classroom while all the guys were standing outside waiting for us to finish our work. -.-

5.45PM: Went for 2.4km run at WUST track for the first time while the others went to do their own exercises too. We are getting healthier each day =D

2 Bunk mates who went to run too! =)))


Perseverance & determination is the key to success! Actually I was super lazy to go for a run today. But thanks to the others who were so persistant and enthusiastic about exercising, i decided to not think about it and JUST RUN ONLY.

Oh and today was also WUST new intake of freshmen. We thought that university students would not need parents to accompany on the first day of school. But weirdly, most of them had their parents beside them. We normally only see this in primary, secondary and polytechnics but not NTU/NUS. I thought China students were supposedly much more independent than us but surprisingly this was not the case. They even need parents to accompany them for the first day of university. So you people out there should stop calling Singaporean Teenagers as 温室里的小花 (flowers in the greenhouse) which means we are well protected from harsh conditions. Because in Singapore, those foreign students that you see are like what the china students over here see us as. We are thrown into a new environment and we have no choice but to be independent and in this way, many of us actually mature much faster. Uncertainty of the environment indeed forces a person to change and adapt to it.

John Finley:

“Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty.”

(Indeed no one likes uncertainty in life. It puts one in a disadvantage position whereby you don’t know what to expect thus no beforehand preparation can be done. But it is this factor which shows your maturity level. The way you deal with uncertainty would show your maturity level. It is either you face it and welcome it with a positive mindset or you become lost and worried not knowing what to do and keep guessing on what would happen next. A mature and immature mind.)


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